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SubjectRe: Replacement for "make SUBDIRS=...." in 2.5.63?
On Tue, 2003-02-25 at 17:04, Kai Germaschewski wrote:

> > What is the proper way to rebuild just one subdirectory? How
> > about for building externally provided modules?
> The proper way is "make vmlinux/modules". If you are sure that nothing
> changed outside of that directory, make SUBDIRS=... is fine, but since
> kbuild cannot know that nothing else changed (you just prohibited checking
> the other dirs), it'll give the warning.

In the case where you're building external modules, this is just fine --
generally you're doing this on purpose. How about disabling the warning
if every element of $(SUBDIRS) starts with a '/'?

> I hope that clarifies things a bit. As I wrote earlier, I'll come up with
> a proper and simple way to build external modules once I find the time.

If you deprecate 'make SUBDIRS=/my/module/source modules' then please
make sure whatever replacement you come up with also works with 2.0, 2.2
and 2.4 kernels, to avoid gratuitous pain for driver maintainers. :)


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