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SubjectRe: [PATCH] 2.5.63 Nasssty little hobbitsses making ssso many sspelling misstakesses!
Steven Cole <> said:
> This patch fixes:
> [Many typoes all over the place]

I have't followed this much, but there are some lessons from the comments
on this (and previous patches):

- "isn't" (and such) get better changed to "is not", as 's give grief (at
least in .S files)
- I wouldn't bother too much on broken editors that don't understand 's in
comments or strings
- It would be better for you to tackle _all_ typoes in one area, get them
fixed by the maintainer, then move on. Patches that change lines under
the maintainers/other patches aren't wellcome, as they break the patches
(and if they don't fix the code, people _will_ bitch at whoever
integrates them)

Yes, I know this is a lot of work. But as it stands, it is a lot of
_wasted_ work if the patches aren't being integrated.

Dr. Horst H. von Brand User #22616
Departamento de Informatica Fono: +56 32 654431
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