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SubjectRe: About /etc/mtab and /proc/mounts
On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 20:47:05 +0100, Kasper Dupont said:

> mnttab report in those cases? And while we are discussing bind mounts, there
> is one feature that I have sometimes missed: A possibility to directly mount
> a subdirectory of a filesystem without having to mount the root of that
> filesystem first and use a bindmount afterwards.

Hmm.. so what you mean is being able to have a filesystem called (for example)
/somewhere, and being able to mount /somewhere/deep/path/like/this on a
mountpoint /wherever/else, but without having /somewhere mounted itself?
That looks *almost* doable, except that things like quotas or the free
block list would be a hassle if then you also went and mounted
/somewhere/deep/other/path on /something/else

Or did you want to do 'mount /somewhere/deep /wherever/else' when it's
/wherever that isn't actually mounted? This looks more.. umm.. interesting,
as you could (for instance) use an automounter to mount /home/fred, /home/george
/home/sally, and not actually need a /home? But don't current automounters
almost do this already?
Valdis Kletnieks
Computer Systems Senior Engineer
Virginia Tech

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