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SubjectRe: Minutes from Feb 21 LSE Call
Scott Robert Ladd wrote:

>"Normal" folk simply have no use for an 8 CPU system.
I had this argument over whether normal people would ever really need a
10mb hard drive when I was 21. Once was enough, sorry, I didn't
convince the other guy then, and I don't think I have gotten more
eloquent since then.

I'll just say that entertainment will drive computing for the next 5-15
years, and game designers won't have enough CPU that whole time.
Hollywood is dying like radio did, and immersive experiences are
replacing it.

HDTV might not make it. I personally don't really want any audio or
video devices or sources which are not well integrated into my computer,
and HDTV is not. I am not sure if the rest of the market will think
like me, but the gamers might.... I am getting a La Cie 4 monitor next
week which will do 2048x1536 without blurring pixels for $960, and I
just don't think I will want to use an HDTV for anything except maybe
the kitchen. I try to watch a high quality movie once a week with a
friend because I don't want to miss out on our culture (and games are
not yet as culturally rich as movies), but games are more engaging, and
I am not really managing to watch the movie a week. I seem to be at the
extreme of a growing trend.

Scott Robert Ladd wrote:

(Note: I drive a big SUV because I *do** haul stuff, and I've got lots of
kids -- the right tool for the job, as Alan stated.)

You didn't say whether you typically haul stuff and kids over rough
roads. If you don't (and very few SUV owners do), then what you need is
called a "mini-van", which is what people who are functionally oriented
buy for city hauling of kids and stuff ;-), and I bought my wife one.
It has more than 16 CPUs in it....


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