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SubjectRe: zImage now holds vmlinux, and config in sections. (fwd)
On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 11:35:57 +0000
Russell King <> wrote:

| On Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 01:07:04PM +0200, Ville Herva wrote:
| > On Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 09:25:20AM +0000, you [Russell King] wrote:
| > > Agreed - zImage is already around 1MB on many ARM machines, and since
| > > loading zImage over a serial port using xmodem takes long enough
| > > already, this is one silly feature I'll definitely keep out of the
| > > ARM tree.
| >
| > Why not make it a config option (like the other (two? three?) rejected
| > patches that implemented this did)?
| I, for one, do not see any point in trying to put more and more crap
| into one file, when its perfectly easy to just use the "cp" command
| to produce the same end result, namely a copy of zImage,
| and configuration, thusly:
| cp arch/$ARCH/boot/zImage /boot/vmlinuz-$VERSION
| cp .config /boot/config-$VERSION
| cp /boot/$VERSION

Yes, that almost matches my 'new.kernel' install script.

| No hastles with configuration options. No hastles with bloated zImage
| files. No hastles with adding extra stuff to makefiles to do special
| mangling to zImage.

Yes, you wouldn't have to use it.

| If people are worried about vmlinuz being out of step with config, once
| you add the above to the installation target of the kernel makefile,
| unless you do things manually, you won't get out of step.
| If you're worried about config-* and* being out of step with
| the kernel you're running, exactly the same applies to the "everything
| in one file" version as well.
| If you need to make a backup of it:
| mkdir /boot/old
| cp /boot/*-$VERSION /boot/old
| Nice. Simple. No crap.

I'm just guessing that it will be difficult to convince you otherwise,
but I think you are missing the point of this. It's not for someone
who already has scripts to handle this or already uses 3+ commands
to handle it every time that they build a new kernel. It's for
people who are less organized than you are -- gosh, maybe even
for Linux users.

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