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SubjectRe: Linux v2.5.62
2.5.60+ is rather unstable for me on an Athlon CPU w/ gcc 3.2.2.  If I'm 
careful and do very little in X, it seems to stay up for a few days. If
I do any sort of fast graphics or sound, etc, it'll die very quickly.
'tis an instant death with no OOPS, nothing at all on screen, nothing on
serial console.

Just an FYI, I'm trying to narrow it down.


Linus Torvalds wrote:

>Hmm.. Mostly lots of small updates, although the merge with Andrew
>included the RCU dcache patches from IBM that he has carried along for a
>while (ie fairly fundamnetal, but also very well tested).
>ARM, PPC, PPC64, alpha, kbuild.
>Oh, and as a sign that 2.6.x really _is_ approaching, people have started
>sending me spelling fixes. Kernel coders are apparently all atrocious
>spellers, and for some reason the spelling police always comes out of the
>woodwork when stable releases get closer.

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