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SubjectRe: Kernel Conference (Mini Conference)


> That's "Linux Conference, Australia" or the acronym comes out wrong
> :-)


> I don't think it would be out of order at all.
> Are you an Adelaide local? Are you offering to organise?

I am an Adelaide local and I could organise it, however I am also
organising "educationaLinux 2004" (the Australian annual educational
Linux conference thing). I could direct both but I don't want to spread
myself too thinly.

> One must wonder, though, if we take too many topics into special
> mini-conferences, what will be left for the main conference??

That's a point. However there seems to be so much one could talk about,
discuss and learn about the Linux kernel that you could easily spend the
whole _week_ on it alone.

> I understand that Perth LCA had many more submissions than they could
> accept. Possibly a kernel mini-conf could give opportunities to some
> of the kernel-oriented speakers who aren't accepted for the main
> conference...

Or we could carefully pitch the "Mini Conference" to people who were
technical people who understand kernel code [i.e. make it a really,
really technical thing] and the conference at a slightly lesser, but
still technical, level.


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