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SubjectRe: [PATCH 2.5.59] support japanese JP106 keyboard on new console.
Hi, Mr. Tomita,

In message "Re: [PATCH 2.5.59] support japanese JP106 keyboard on new console."
on 03/01/25, Osamu Tomita <> writes:
> I have a question.
> > + if (atkbd->set == 5) {
> > + atkbd->keycode[0x13] = 0x70; /* Hiragana/Katakana */
> I'm interesting in the reason to use keycode 0x70 for 'Hiragana/Katakana' key.
> Please clarify.

This is answer for your question.

I have two point of view about this.
these are my try and error process.

First, I press Katakana_Hiragana key on console with 2.4.19, it warns

keyboard: unrecognized scancode (70) - ignored

Two, in a 2.4.20's pc_keyb.c, there is a comment,
* The keycodes below are randomly located in 89-95,112-118,120-127.
* They could be thrown away (and all occurrences below replaced by 0),
* but that would force many users to use the `setkeycodes' utility, where
* they needed not before. It does not matter that there are duplicates, as
* long as no duplication occurs for any single keyboard.

Hiragana_Katakana was not defined before and I want to define a keycode point.
When I saw 2.4.20 pc_keyb.c source, I found all keycode below 127 was used,
then there is no room. But the comment tell me I can use 120-123, 125-127 with
Japanese keyboard because these are not used on JP89/109 keyboards.
(124 is, as you know, Yen key) THese are defined for a latin keyboards.
So I use 120.

How do you think about it?

Hiroshi Miura

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