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SubjectRe: udev sysfs docs Re: State of devfs in 2.6?
> > > Am I wrong ?

> > No, you are correct. That's why I'm not really worried about this, and
> > I don't think anyone else should be either.

You are of course totally wrong - just because a device is present in the
system doesn't mean that it's kernel modules are loaded - for example my
floppy is always present in the system, but I access it like once a month
or so - currently devfs (which I'm using on 3 computers with no problems
for over a year now) will load the floppy module on access to /dev/fd0 and
the module will unload automatically a few dozen minutes later after I'm
done with the disk drive. On an 8 MB mem system keeping 60KB floppy
driver non-stop in unswappable kernel memory is wastefull. Especially
since this also applies to microcode, sound drivers, scanners, rtc, etc...
The system is properly configured - the modules for devices are loaded
when needed - just because a device is present doesn't mean we need to
have the driver loaded for it.

> A: Such a functionality isn't needed on a properly configured
> system. All devices present on the system should generate
> hotplug events, loading the appropriate driver, and udev
> should notice and create the appropriate device node.
> In case of failure, please make a proper bug report.


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