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SubjectRe: Catching NForce2 lockup with NMI watchdog
Bob wrote:
> Using a patch that fixes a number of people's nforce2
> lockups while enabling io-apic edge timer, I can now
> use nmi_watchdog=2 but not =1

Why regurgitate patches that are outdated, Personally i find int
outdated after Ross made his patches available and they DO enable
nmi_watchdog=1. (I have seen the old patches mentioned more than once,
if something better comes along, please move to that instead.)

Anyways, Is there anyway to detect if the cpu is "disconnected" or, is
there anyway to see when the kernel sends it's halts that triggers the
disconnect? (or is it automagic?)

If there was a way to check, then thats all thats needed, all delays can
be removed and the code can be more generalized.

(Since doubt that this is apic torment. It's more apic trying to talk to
a disconnected cpu... (which both approaches hints at imho))

Ian Kumlien <pomac () vapor ! com> --
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