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Subjectudev sysfs docs Re: State of devfs in 2.6?
William Lee Irwin III wrote:

>On Mon, Dec 08, 2003 at 03:36:26PM +0000, Andrew Walrond wrote:
>>Whats the general feeling about devfs now? I remember Christoph and others
>>making some nasty remarks about it 6months ago or so, but later noted
>>christoph doing some slashing and burning thereof.
>>Is it 'nice' yet?
>>Andrew Walrond
>I would say it's deprecated at the very least. sysfs and udev are
>supposed to provide equivalent functionality, albeit by a somewhat
>different mechanism.
>-- wli
Where can we find documentation on sysfs and udev,
and on transition issues? I know devfs hasn't been
maintained for a long time but the documentation for
it comes with kernel source and there it is in menuconfig.
Every time I hear that udev and sysfs replace devfs I
wonder where to pick up the thread, where is that doc,
where is the menuconfig option ;-) I guess there is a
website but to bring people out of devfs with their
/etc/devfs/compat_symlinks necessary to boot so
they will have to manually make edits, it would be
necessary to research the manual edits it takes to boot
(md0 vs. md/0, tty vs. vc, etc., /etc/inittab, maybe
etc pam or security ).

If transitioning from devfs to udev sysfs comes
down to one mistake so I can't boot and have to lilo
append="rw init=/bin/bash" and edit /etc/innitab
then I need the doc on boot partition to make the
last edits to transition completely and save myself
(not docs on a website). Shouldn't udev sysfs doc
come with kernel source(maybe it does!?)?


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