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SubjectRe: amanda vs 2.6
On Sunday 07 December 2003 06:56, Paul P Komkoff Jr wrote:
>Replying to Gene Heskett:
>> Formerly rh8.0 with almost all updates, eg if its still an rpm, I
>> let update do it. Hand built stuffs like cups and sane are newer
>> than 8.0, as is the currently working kde-3.1.1a. Obviously I
>> don't let up2date anywhere near that stuff.
>seems that you have nsswitch problem.

No, or possibly that might be another way around that bush too. It
turned out that there was a missing call in my bash install, and the
bash from fedora had it. Installing the same bash from fedora fixed
it all right up. Compile options difference.

>I encountered same behavior with latest stable gentoo, 2.6 kernel
> and nss_mysql. Upgrade to latest glibc + nptl solved this.

Latest bug/security-fix glibc is installed. Dunno about nptl, or even
what that puppy does.

FWIW, my other amanda problem wherein it wouldn't load and search the
tape magazine it it wasn't already loaded seems to have been fixed by
adding a define in my configdir/chg-scsi.conf, nameing the
SCSItapedev = /dev/sg0, where the robot is sg1 at LUN 1, same device
addr. Normally the drive is /dev/nst0, but for that query, it has to
come through /dev/sg0 for some reason. 2.4 kernels didn't have a
problem with that, 2.6.0-test11 at least did. And there hadn't been
any changes to the chg-scsi stuff in amanda since 2001 so that cannot
be blamed on "newer versionitis". :)

So there are apparently two solutions to the first problem, and at
least one to the second above.

Cheers, Gene
AMD K6-III@500mhz 320M
Athlon1600XP@1400mhz 512M
99.22% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly attornies please note, additions to this message
by Gene Heskett are:
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