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SubjectRe: Catching NForce2 lockup with NMI watchdog - found?
On Sat, 2003-12-06 at 14:36, Craig Bradney wrote:
> On Sat, 2003-12-06 at 03:08, Ian Kumlien wrote:
> > You could always move eth0 to a different slot. Other than that, you can
> > do manual config for the irq's in the bios, but it shouldn't be
> > needed...
> eth0 is the 3com onboard on the a7n8x deluxe...

I find that so odd... My on board network controller is a realtec phys
controlled by a nvidia mac. Same goes for audio.

> Having finally woken up (me not the pc), uptime here is now 12 hours..
> (without the CPU Disconnect athcool run, just the kernel patch). I did
> run the athcool program to check the result though:
> nVIDIA nForce2 (10de 01e0) found
> 'Halt Disconnect and Stop Grant Disconnect' bit is enabled.

nVIDIA nForce2 (10de 01e0) found
'Halt Disconnect and Stop Grant Disconnect' bit is enabled.

> Perhaps my motherboard and cpu doesnt have a problem with disconnect and
> just the IRQ issue, perhaps because its only a few weeks old. It would
> make sense in some ways given that my system has only one of the
> problems given the uptime I have been able to reach.

Mine is 2 weeks old or so..

> My hangs have always been when I have used the PC.. and often completed
> a task and then a few seconds later it goes.

Mine always seems to hang after a certain amount of time... When id
didn't do a grep in the kernel lib.

Btw, i have UDMA100 disks.. 2 disks on primary and 2 cdroms on
secondary... I dunno if this could make any difference..

> Will see in time I guess

Good luck =)

Ian Kumlien <pomac () vapor ! com> --
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