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SubjectRe: partially encrypted filesystem
On Sat, 2003-12-06 at 06:43, Maciej Zenczykowski wrote:
> > Suppose we wish to encrypt the files on a disc or disk or drive that we
> > carry from one computer to another.
> >
> > Where else can the encryption go, if not "down to the file system"?
> Of course down to the file system - in this sense. My point was that you
> were utilizing sparse features of the filesystem in ways for which it
> likely wasn't designed, thus you would likely encounter problems and/or
> slowdowns. Face it: sparse files are seldom used and when they are used
> it is mostly for static files. It is unusual for a file of 500 blocks to
> have 200 1 block sparse holes and 25 2 block sparse holes. This is what
> you'd get with your compression (assuming a 50% comp ratio). That's a
> single smallish files with 225 sparse empty regions. I doubt the
> filesystem is optimized to deal nicely with that. The problem being that
> any later write access to such a file which compresses better or worse
> than the original data in that area (ie uses one (or more) less/more
> blocks than what used to be there) causes fragmentations and requires
> extra pointers etc... you may soon end up with a 500 block file with 225
> sparse holes and 275 pointers to single blocks (instead of one long
> continuous area with data represented with a single pointer and length).
> Sure, the file system will likely manage to deal with it - but a) this'll
> be a real filesystem stress test (assuming stuff like this happens in
> every file... you'd have millions of single blocks instead of thousands of
> contiguous areas)) and b) this'll stress code (which hasn't been as
> optimized as the rest) and algorithms (which aren't fast to begin with).
> In other words you are likely to hit fs bugs and slowdowns. I'm not
> saying this isn't the best way to do it - but, you may be required to
> invest significant time into making sparse file handling work _well_ in
> extreme cases in order for this to work stabily and/or quickly. And of
> course if you then change the underlying file system you'll have to start
> the sparse handling rewrite over from the bottom-up. That's why I'm not
> sure whether this shouldn't be done with some other method - a method
> which would be less likely to cause massive disk fragmentation.

on this topic, bittorrent on linux would also stree the system, as I
believe what it does is first create one huge sparse file (empty) and
then begins to fill in regions.

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