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SubjectRe: partially encrypted filesystem
>  > some other method ....
> > less likely to cause massive disk fragmentation.
> Such as?

If I knew how to do this correctly I'd be earning a lot of money... :)
Truthfully this is work for at least a good two weeks of designing, likely
much, much more... to just determine the very basics. Even assuming you
already have good fast compressors/decompressors which run in neglible
time and achieve the best compression ratio on the market - it's still
very, very non-trivial to make a compressed random-access read-write
filesystem out of that. Some files should be compressed max, some only
slightly, some not at all, this should all be user selectable on a per
file (or even per file section) basis and the default should allow the
file-system to learn which files to compress and how-badly... etc. etc.
The file-system has to auto-defragment and it has to minimize
fragmentation in the first place.


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