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SubjectRe: kernel BUG at mm/filemap.c:332!
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Hi Linus

First of all thanks for the answer!

On Thu, 4 Dec 2003, Linus Torvalds wrote:

> Nathan,
> you're not off the hook yet. This is a smoking gun on XFS, and this time
> with a big clue: large directories, and a low-memory situation.

Sorry to have misguided you guys in the first post. After rebooting the
machine I have some more information, the actual directory size its about
some hundred entries (~400) and not thousands as I previously speculated
(I didnt know the exact number until I could ls it and I couldnt do that
until I had to reboot the machine).

Beeing just several hundred entries I know that I have at least one more
2.6.0-test11 machine (SMP, no MD but hw DAC960 RAID) with more entries in
one directory and I didnt got any such message (yet), it has only 5 days
uptime, we will see if I get anything there too. It could be just that on
the other machine I dont have much action happening in the directories
with many entries. The machine which got the kernel error has a lot of
things going in that directory with many entries (mostly stats gathered
every 5 mins from cron with mrtg and written to binary image files).

However I have some more usefull (I hope) information about the subject.
Before rebooting I wanted to first install a do_brk() patched 2.4.21-xfs
kernel with lilo. Unfortunetly lilo stuck in a fsync() call after writing
to screen that it did added all kernel images to MBR as configured in
lilo.conf. When I booted I had no problem to boot from the new do_brk()
fixed kernel so lilo seems it did the job, I dont know why it stuck
in fsync().

ctrl-alt-del didnt do the trick (I had online ssh session on the machine
which was working , I could do ps ax, vmstat etc, but probably init was
doing something which also stuck in D state) so I had to reboot it "hard".
After power on, one coleague complained that a file on which he worked a
couple of minutes before I took the machine down had NULL bytes instead of
actual content. I know that "dirty" data gets flushed to disk every 30
seconds so this seems a little bit strange (in general I know that XFS
leaves NULL bytes in files modified just before a unclean reboot but this
file was modified some 5 minutes before the "hard" reboot).

> Also, this time the config file doesn't have any MD/RAID support according
> to the attachment:
> # Multi-device support (RAID and LVM)
> #
> # CONFIG_MD is not set
> so it looks like the XFS and MD issues really are totally unrelated.

Yep, Im very conservative to the features I use in the kernel :)

> Mihai: the oops itself is in this case not very telling, since it's just a
> result of corruption of some fundamental data structures (probably
> somebody using a page cache page after having free'd it - and it probably
> only shows up when memory gets low and pages have to be cleaned). Can you
> tell Nathan more about the filesystem setup (block size, as much as
> possible about the affected directory, etc).


$ xfs_info /var
meta-data=/var isize=256 agcount=18, agsize=262144 blks
data = bsize=4096 blocks=4482127, imaxpct=25
= sunit=0 swidth=0 blks, unwritten=0
naming =version 2 bsize=4096
log =internal bsize=4096 blocks=1200
realtime =none extsz=65536 blocks=0, rtextents=0

Mount options are "rw,noatime".

Please let me know if you need any other infos. Thanks!

> Linus

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