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SubjectRe: 2.6.0 performance problems
On Tue, 30 Dec 2003, Roger Luethi wrote:

> I'm not sure how to classify the bk export. It may be the qsbench type
> or something new. If it is the former, then 2.5.39 performs a lot worse
> than 2.5.38 (and 2.6.0, for that matter).
> It would also be interesting to see the numbers for 2.5.27: That's when
> physical scanning was introduced -- IMO that performance should be the
> minimal goal for 2.6.

It seems to me that the bk export test is a measure of memory pressure and
io performance. On my good system with plenty of resources I see very
little difference between 2.4 and 2.6. On my laptop with a slower
processor, less memory, and a slower hard drive I get dramatic
differences, depending on workload.

I'm not sure what to think of the bk export test to tell you the truth.
i've noticed for some time that 2.6 seemed to perform worse than 2.4. It
was a simple "real world" test that I could use to gather real performance

If I am understanding you, you would like data on 2.5.27, 2.5.38, and
2.5.39. I'll do it if it will help something. I'll look at it in the
next couple of days.
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