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SubjectRe: Blank Screen in 2.6.0

Thomas Molina wrote:

>On Tue, 30 Dec 2003, Norman Diamond wrote:
>> ...
>I've had problems at various times during 2.5 with a number of
>card-specific framebuffer drivers so I've backed off to only using the
>VESA framebuffer driver. Maybe the connection is which framebuffer driver
>is used.

I've had the same problem. I've tried using radeonfb and it's never
worked yet since 2.5.69. In 2.6.0, no matter what mode I select, I get
a horizontal frequency of 140kHz and a ~90Hz vertical sync. My monitor
blanks and pops up the on-screen menu with the horizontal frequency
high-lighted in red. My monitor supports up to 110kHz horizontal
according to my X log.

I compiled just the vesafb in as well, but it does the exact same
thing. It doesn't matter what values or modes I put in the vga/video
parameter. Only the text mode works now, and after only 2 days uptime
I've noticed I no longer have the full vertical screen. When I type,
random text or colored/flashing blocks appear in the bottom (roughly)
1/5th of the screen. Actually, anytime I run an ncurse app in my
console, it gets smaller. Now my console only occupies 1/2 the screen,
but it doesn't seem to get any smaller than that. I'm using the boot
parameter "vga=0x132".

My point is maybe your screen isn't blank, but rather the horizontal
frequency is out of your monitor's range?

Certainly, something has changed, because with 2.6.0-test11 I was
running "vga=0x31B video=vesafb:ywrap" and it worked great, whereas now
it doesn't work at all with any fb modes.

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