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SubjectRe: Best Low-cost IDE RAID Solution For 2.6.x? (OT?)
Wakko Warner wrote:
>>>>nice about bad sectors as most hardware raid controllers. On the other
>>>>hand the md driver kicks the ass of nearly every raid controller I've tried.
>>>Faster than the mylex extreme raid 2000? or one of the higher end adaptecs?
>>Even faster than HP/Compaq cciss hwraid setups, yes.
> I've personally not had any experience with any hardware raid other than the
> mylex DAC960 family.

I know a number of people that run their mylex cards in jbod mode and
use software raid;-)

> One thing that keeps me from using the linux raid sw is the fact it can't be
> partitioned.

You're thinking of it the wrong way. You just create a bunch of
partitions and make them into raid devices. You shouldn't be using the
entire disk or you will break autodetection.

> I thought about lvm/evms, but I'm unwilling to make an initrd to
> set it up (mounting root). Unfortunately boot loaders don't seem to support
> anything other than raid1. (Mostly lilo, but I'm not sure grub would do this
> either)

Lilo deals well with raid 1 devices. I typical create a small raid 1
mirror as /boot. Just be sure to install your bootloader on to all
drives. Newer versions of lilo will do the right thing if told to use

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