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SubjectRe: Disk Geometries reported incorrectly on 2.6.0-testX
On Wed, Dec 03, 2003 at 12:28:20PM +0100, Szakacsits Szabolcs wrote:
> > The real question is: "what is the default install option - LBA or CHS
> > - on modern(ish) Windows systems?"
> Autodetect unless it's explicitely set.

Can you elaborate? Autodetect what? Autodetect if the BIOS supports LBA?

(BTW, "LBA mode" is purely setting CHS = x/255/63, right?
It's not like anything is getting enabled/disabled?)

> > What proportion of XP users boot via CHS?
> Depends on BIOS, boot manager, configuration, etc.

Sure. But can we estimate anyway? Do a "random" survey?

* does more than 1% of the Windows market use a boot manager other
than Windows'/lilo/grub? (Guess: No)

* what proportion of Windows users do any configuration themselves?
What about the OEM installers? (Aren't these a high proportion?)
(Guess: 90% OEM; 1% of users do boot config)

* do OEM installers generally use LBA? (Guess: no idea)

Maybe the students/academics here should poke around their university
campuses. I'm not sure how we could unobtrusively check! Some BIOS
POST screens show useful info.


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