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Subject[OT] Experience with wheel mouse optical usb
Hello, this is only for usb wheel mouse users, this is my experience with 
kernel 2.4.X and 2.6.0.

May be this help for someone.

If someone has something to tell me, thanks.

Asus MOBO kt266
2.4.X (21 - 23) Behavior
USB Wheel mouse should be unplugged and replugged to turn it on and get
it to work, I try whit usbkbd activated and deactivated.
When power source is still available I can restart a lot of times without
replugging my mouse. This happens only when power off/On.
A lot of USB cameras work incredible great (Fuji/Casio/Logitech). Every
stuff pass into my hands, is going to be tested, and only weird Walkman
or uncommon hardware doesn't work.

Asus MOBO kt266
2.6.0 (test9-11-F.R.) Behavior
USB Wheel mouse should be unplugged and replugged to turn it on. But in
this weird case I need to restart Linux, Mouse just only works if kernel
boot with mouse turned on.
I have hotplug, of course and new init-module-tools

Note: If you have mouse on one USB HUB, you should put other devices like
usbscanner or mass-storage device on other USB HUB, to get it work fine.
Generally, new MOBOS has 2 UBS 4 PORTS IN TOTAL, and OTHER HUB for front
panel. Some USB devices can't share the same HUB. I test a QUE! CD Writer
USB and a Fuji/Casio cameras (mass storage) and in both cases this
devices doesn't like to share the same HUB with USB mouse.

For nvidia users: Hey! If the wheel doesn't work with patched driver, try
an older one, it works for me.


Happy new Year
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