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SubjectRe: Can't mount USB partition as root
> > Is it possible to boot kernel with root from /dev/sda1 (USB)?
> > partition table: whole /dev/sda is one partition (sda1), type 83 (Linux).
> > Tried also switching on and off hotplugging in kernel and it didn't help.
> Well, is the device detected and the partition table scanned before the
> root mount is attempted?
> I believe this should work given you've compiled in all the necessary
> code. Please capture the dmesg using serial console/netconsole/whatever
> and post it along with your .config.

I did this with 2.4 a few months back. Basically all I did was add the same
delay before mounting root as the kernel does with mounting a root floppy.
Problem is the kernel is too fast for the usb code to find the disk.

I'v been wanting to ask this question. How can I make the kernel "sleep"
for say 5 seconds (or pause or something, whatever is required to delay
execution) to wait for the device to become available. I tried the same
thing doing nfsroot with a cardbus nic which fails because the kernel
doesn't see the card until after it attempted to mount /

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