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SubjectRe: The survival of ide-scsi in 2.6.x

Hi Willem,

The standard stuff like mt -f /dev/ht0 status etc etc works. But tar
doesn't wan't to-do backups anymore both with and witout the patch on a
2.6.0 kernel. I don't have a 2.4.x kernel handy to test if it still
works with those kernels and my drive.

What I've done is the following:

bash-2.05# tar -cvb 64 -f /dev/ht0 /
tar: Removing leading `/' from absolute path names in the archive

tar: Cannot write to /dev/ht0: Invalid argument
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

It looks as if the backup starts but it almost immediatly ends after the
drive does some spinning and reading and or writing.



Willem Riede wrote:

>On 2003.12.27 07:43, Stef van der Made wrote:
>>Willem Riede wrote:
>>>(By the way, ide-tape contains code for the ATAPI version, the
>>>DI-30, but that code is old and has serveral known problems -
>>>I'd like to see it removed - or at least deprecated - I will do
>>>that myself later if people want me to.)
>>After some fixing on ide-scsi my DI-30 is now working fine. I don't know
>>of any bugs in it. All works fine for me.
>If your system ever loses an interrupt form the DI-30 you'll find out :-)
>> Getting rid if ide-scsi might
>>be a good idea but it ain't going to be easy as a lot of programs are
>>using the code.
>I was actually trying to save ide-scsi, as we need it for the DI-30 + osst.
>> If you need a tester for the di-30 please feed me the patches and I'll
>>play around with them.
>Well, you could try the patch in the oiginal mail, and there is a new
>version of osst on that you could test.
>Thnaks, Willem Riede.

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