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SubjectRe: 2.6.0 modules, hotplug, PCMCIA
On Sun, Dec 28, 2003 at 11:33:04AM +0900, Norman Diamond wrote:
> 4. SuSE 8.2 defaults to using the kernel PCMCIA package rather than the
> external PCMCIA package. This is fine with me so kernel 2.6.0 also uses its
> own compiled PCMCIA drivers instead of trying to make an external PCMCIA
> package work with two kernels. It seems to me that it should be OK to
> compile PCMCIA as modules instead of built-in, but there were boot-time
> errors, so I had to change PCMCIA and Yenta to built-in.

What were these errors?

> (This is the
> opposite of the change that I had to make to mice, described in a separate
> e-mail message.) Now with PCMCIA compiled built-in, the low-level drivers
> get loaded, but cardmgr still doesn't run automatically. I can do "su" and
> "cardmgr &" and then PCMCIA starts working enough to do modprobes when cards
> are inserted.

It sounds like the SuSE init scripts are being clever and probably only
know about how their 2.4 situation works. What we need is a SuSE person
to comment on this behaviour; I don't have access to any SuSE based
systems to investigate their quirks.

> 5. However, file /etc/pcmcia/serial.opts is still getting ignored under
> 2.6.0.

"still" ? This is news to me (as the guy who seems to be handling both
PCMCIA and serial.)

> The modem is detected as containing a TI 16750 UART, and whatever
> the serial driver does then, it causes the modem to hang up. The serial
> driver in 2.4.20 defaults to the same thing but 2.4.20 reads file
> /etc/pcmcia/serial.opts, obeys the line SERIAL_OPTS="uart 16550A", and lets
> the modem operate at 33% of its rated speed instead of hanging up.

"hang up"? Do you mean "on-hook" or do you mean "stop working"? Is
there anything in /var/log/messages about this?

On my RH systems, cardmgr logs a fair amount to the system messages log,
which includes details of any commands run and any failures. It would
be really useful to see this.

Russell King
Linux kernel 2.6 ARM Linux -
maintainer of: 2.6 PCMCIA -
2.6 Serial core
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