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SubjectRe: Fixing 2.6.0's broken documentation references
On Sat, 27 Dec 2003, Thomas Molina wrote:

> I agree that having a documentation maintainer would be a good idea. Hans
> could volunteer or I could if no one else wants it. Whoever does it
> though, needs some assurance that patches won't be dropped on the floor.

I would think that any such maintainer would also have to deal with
kernel-doc, and making sure all of those scripts work / don't produce
errors. I got a bunch of patches into the late 2.5 cycle to deal with
that, but someone needs to keep that stuff working.

I'm happy to keep playing with those scripts, if other people are happy
with that.

My point is that documentation is more complex than just keeping the
comments in the source pointing at the right places -- there is a bunch of
infrastructure there as well.

On the dropped patch front, I had a lot of success getting patches into
the kernel via the Trivial Patch Monkey. Given the menial nature of this
sort of work, wouldn't this best be done by the janitors and sending
patches to trivial?



Michael Still ( | "All my life I've had one dream, | to achieve my many goals"
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