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SubjectRe: XFS filesystem corruption: 2.6.0. Massive failure. With raid5
On Fri, 26 Dec 2003, Jerry Haltom wrote:

> This has happened twice now. Massive XFS file system corruption. The
> system is running on a 3ware card in Raid5 config. / is XFS. Cannot
> mount:
> XFS: log has mismatchd uuid - can't recover
> XFS: failed to find log head
> XFS: log mount/recovery/failed

Either a corrupt log, or a misstated external log, it seems.

Ah, on irc you said only the first part of the uuid was off,
that's a bit odd. Knowing the actual numbers would be very
helpful. Perhaps the raid swizzled some bits?

> xfs_repair lets me know a lot of stuff, and:
> * ERROR: mismathced uuid in log
> * SB: some long number
> * log: a slightly different long number

Those numbers may be important, without the real output this isn't very

> It doesn't work.
> xfs_logprint -t /dev/sda4 produces a lot of illegal type errors and ends
> up with Segmentation fault (uh oh).

Hm, so the log was in very bad shape. I don't know how it got there;
it may or may not be xfs's fault, but it shouldn't segfault. If you have
the core file maybe we can take a look.

> I could fix it by forcing hte logs clean, that is what I did the first
> time this happened. However, I lost a lot of files last time, and this
> shouldn't happen. So here it is for you guys. I am hanging out in #xfs
> on if anybody wants to check it out.

Sounds like you've already repaired it and whacked the log, so no use
now. It would also be interesting to know if any I/O or other errors
occurred in the system before the problems. You might also run without
the nvidia driver* for a while and see if things go better.


*info gleaned from irc

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