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SubjectRe: [RFC,PATCH] use rcu for fasync_lock

On Sun, 21 Dec 2003, Manfred Spraul wrote:
> >
> >Just make the caller do the locking.
> It's not that simple:

It _is_ that simple.

The choices are:
- let the caller do the locking
- make the callee locking be statically determinable

Those are the choices. Your kind of code is not goign to be integrated.

> the function does
> kmalloc();
> spin_lock();
> use_allocation.

This is trivially handled by splitting out the allocation as a separate

Yes, it requires that the caller be changed, but if the choice is between
insane locking and making a caller change, then the choice is very very

> But: as far as I can see, these lines usually run under lock_kernel().
> If this is true, then the spin_lock(&fasync_lock) won't cause any
> scalability regression, and I'll use that lock instead of lock_sock,
> even for network sockets.


Here's a big clue: if you make code worse than it is today, it won't be
accepted. I don't even see why you'd bother in the first place.

So go back to the drawing board, and just do it _right_. Or don't do it at
all. There's no point to making the code look and behave worse than it
does today.

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