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SubjectRe: 2.6 vs 2.4 regression when running gnomemeeting
On Sat, 2003-12-20 at 05:32, Nick Piggin wrote:
> Christian Meder wrote:
> >On Sat, 2003-12-20 at 04:50, Nick Piggin wrote:
> >
> >>(although not much Con)
> >>
> >
> >right. Ok I'm running now 2.6.0 with Nick's v28p1: The results without
> >load and with kernel compile load are attached. On nice level 0 I get
> >now the stuttering sound which I described in the previous mail. When I
> >renice gnomemeeting to -10 it's actually usable but not as good as in
> >2.4.2x. It's still sensitive to window movement and X activity. Two
> >subjective observations are that the nice levels haven't got such a big
> >impact in Nick's scheduler they used to have and that the default
> >behaviour gnomemeetingwise is better than in earlier Nick schedulers.
> >
> No, nice levels don't have such a big impact. That is the last big
> think I have to fix, but thats another story...
> At nice -10, there is basically nothing more the scheduler can do
> for it (nice -20 will be a tiny bit better again).
> I'd say its due to either sound drivers or your app doing something
> different when running in 2.6.

I just tried hammering on the sound drivers on the playback side. So I
put on a kernel compile, a find | cat >/dev/null and ogg123 playback.
Playback performed largely unimpressed from the load level, no skips or
whatever. Even adding a gnomemeeting connection didn't decrease audio
playback. My guess is that the audio drivers are ok even more so because
otherwise OSS _and_ ALSA would be broken for my soundcard.

That would leave me with two possibilities: 2.6. is doing something
different in the gnomemeeting case or gnomemeeting is doing something
different in the 2.6 case. A cursory look at the gnomemeeting sources
didn't give me the impression that it's doing anything which would be
affected by 2.6 deployment but I'll ask on the gnomemeeting-devel list
for advice.

Thanks for all your help, I hope I can nail it soon,


Christian Meder, email:

What's the railroad to me ?
I never go to see
Where it ends.
It fills a few hollows,
And makes banks for the swallows,
It sets the sand a-blowing,
And the blackberries a-growing.
(Henry David Thoreau)

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