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SubjectRe: 2.4.23 masquerading broken?
Wilmer van der Gaast wrote:

>For security reasons, I upgraded to 2.4.23 last night. Now, suddenly, IP
>masquerading seems to be broken. When I use SNAT instead of
>masquerading, everything works.
>Unfortunately, I think it's hard to reproduce the problem. Right after
>booting .23 for the first time, everything seemed to be okay. The
>problems started just an hour ago, after having the server running for
>fifteen hours without any problems.
>Unfortunately there's not much more information I can provide. I can
>attach my iptables/rule/route file and keep my machine running in case
>anyone needs/wants more information. For now I'll just stick with SNAT.
>It works good enough for me.

Can you check the ringbuffer for error messages ? What happens
to the packets when masquerading fails ?

Best regards,

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