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SubjectRe: Linux 2.4 future
On Tue, Dec 02, 2003 at 08:38:03AM -0500, Ed Sweetman wrote:
> The point was, the patch is perfectly and easily usable the way it is.
> There stands to be no reason to make it part of the vanilla kernel other
> than a very slight convenience factor for a small minority of users.
> Tosatti thinks that that versus changes to this stable kernel that touch
> common code are unacceptable. Despite the maturity of the project, it
> just doesn't make sense to include it in the vanilla kernel, it would be
> a disservice to the rest of the users of 2.4.x kernels that do so for
> stability, not only in the not crashing sense, but also in the code-base
> sense. And the number of users who don't use xfs so greatly outnumber
> the users that do that it's a mute point for Tosatti.
> Just suck it up, plug on with the complex command of cat xfs.patch |
> patch -p1 or move up to 2.6. Anyone using xfs can obviously do either
> already and everyone not can continue not being affected by new code if
> they dont want to.

I can understand that, but I don't take 2.6 for an answer. 2.4 is not
yet dead and it won't be for a long time, just as 2.2 has gotten to
2.2.25, although 2.4.0 was out when, 3 years ago ?


* Ionut Georgescu
* Registered Linux User #244479
* "In Windows you can do everything Microsoft wants you to do; in Unix you
* can do anything the computer is able to do."

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