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SubjectRe: [PATCH] Updating our sn code in 2.6
On Thu, Dec 18, 2003 at 08:59:50PM -0600, Pat Gefre wrote:
> I have created a patchset at
> It contains all the updates for our sn I/O code. The large patch that I
> had originally sent has been broken down into 70+ smaller patches.

Thanks, this looks much better already. Comments for the patches still not
OK below.


Mostly ok, except for reintroducing hwgraph_path_lookup().


OK, but why is fakeprom in the kernel at all?


This makes merging with the IP27 I/O code much much harder
and doesn't buy you much, so I'd prefer if it doesn't go
in. (Note that this isn't a really strong no), if you just
want to get rid of the EXTRA_FLAGS using the endianess tests
from <linux/endian.h> would be a much better idea. (I can
cook up a patch for that for you)


Mostly OK. Reintroducing snia64_pci_find_bios is bogus, but
you kill it in a later patch anyway..


As above I'm not too happy with this, as I'm working on a
pcibr driver that's usable for both IP27 and SN2. Again
this isn't exactly a strong no, it just makes life much
harder. Also note that if you define IS_PIC to 1 always
and the Bridge / XBridge test to 0 always gcc will optimize
away the code for you.




pcibr_businfo_get() with the assorted new enums looks bogus,
else OK.


Wrong opening placement of first opening brace in
sn_shub_redirect_intr :)


What's the point point of these pcireq stuff? And what's the
relation to the shub redirection?


At least better than the previous variant.. :)
set_sn_pci64() is bogus, I'm certain the qla2x00 driver
uses the right dma interface and if qlogicfc doesn't either
fix it or (better) don't use that broken old driver..


Code is ok, but wrong brace placement again..


Shouldn't be needed after getting 014-cleanup-pci.c.patch right.


The whole indirection was develeted on a purpose. Do you really
have different xswitches now? (Don't seem to be in this patchkit).
If yes we'd better come up with a btter abstraction.


BRIDGE_TYPE_AND_PTR_GET is totally bogus..
Moving pcibr_attach2 to pic_attach2 is bogus and really wrong.
Even if _you_ don't support Bridge/Xbridge anyore it's still
common code for all of those. While you're at it pic.c
really should move to the pcibr dir.
bridge.h -> pcibr_asic move seems really pointless to me, but
if you really want it..
BUT: Please remove the random renamaing of the include/asm/sn/pci
constants froms the patch, else it looks mostly okay (although
that's hard with such a large patch doing just code reorganization),
dito for the struct typedef names. This really breaks anyone
doing work on Bridge/Xbridge without any purpose.

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