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Subject[Answer] Re: Linux 2.4.24-pre1: Instant reboot
Short answer to my previous post on this subject:

CONFIG_EDD=y + Athlon + VIA KT266A = triple fault on boot.

Longer answer:

Dick Johnson asked,
> What CPU did you compile it for?

Compiled 2.4.24-pre1 for Athlon/K7. I also tried it with generic i386,
which made no difference.

Matthias Andree wrote:
> I've seen this, too, with XFS=y and OOM_KILLER=n,

If I didn't have 2 hours sleep, I would have hacked rc.sysinit to
auto-compile my linux kernel with a binary search looking for the
culprit, iterating if the BIOS rebooted an old kernel; but I was too
tired today for scriping foo. :-) So I did it the old fashioned way.

Turns out, after about a dozen compile/reboot loops, I narrowed it down
repeatably to the "x86 BIOS Enhanced Disk Drive support" (CONFIG_EDD)
option. I can turn off just about every .config option, turn that one
on, and the kernel triple faults upon boot. This is the first time that
a 2.4.x kernel has ever triple faulted on boot on my system. As
mentioned above, CPU choice makes no difference.

Marcelo: Perhaps have the author of whatever patch interacts with
CONFIG_EDD work a bit more on getting the patch right for various
platforms. The (EXPERIMENTAL) feature worked just fine for me on
2.4.22...24.2.23, but the current -pre1 bombs for athlon/via_kt266a.


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