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SubjectRe: 2.4 vs 2.6
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Jan Rychter wrote:

|>>>>> "Marcelo" == Marcelo Tosatti
|>>>>> <> writes:
| [...] Marcelo> 2.6 is already stable enough for people to use it.
| Yes, that's an old post I'm responding to, but I've just given 2.6
| a try on my desktop machine, and the above statement seems even
| more annoying. I hit the following problems:
| -- I had to wrestle ATI drivers into compiling, they finally did,
| but the kernel prints scary-looking warnings with call stacks,
| about "sleeping function called from invalid context at
| mm/slab.c:1856, -- modules don't autoload for some reason (though
| I'm sure that could be solved), -- bttv does not compile, so no
| video input for me, -- drivers for my telephony card (from Digium)
| are not 2.6-ready, so no telephony support for me, -- I have just
| frozen the machine hard by copying files over NFS and doing a
| simulation write to an ATAPI CD-RW at the same time.
| I haven't even gotten to VMware and user-mode Linux, which I also
| need, and I'm not even dreaming about getting my scanner to work.
| Not to mention that on my laptop there would be an entirely
| different set of issues, and software suspend in 2.6 is, well,
| still lacking.
| So, as for me, 2.6 is a definite no-no. I see no advantage
| whatsoever in running it, it caused me nothing but pain, and there
| is no improvement that I could see that would justify the upgrade.
| So please be careful when making statements like that. 2.6 is *NOT*
| stable enough nor ready enough for people to use it, unless those
| people have a narrow range of hardware on which the 2.6 kernel has
| actually been tested (translation: they have the same hardware as
| the main developers do).
| --J.

My specs:
Cpu:Athlon XP 2500+ BARTON {10x190}
Ram:Corsair TWINX 512 3200LL{dual channel/11-3-2-2.0}
Fan:Cooler Master +7
Video:Hercules 3D Prophet 9600 PRO Radeon 128MB

My Hercules 3D Prophet 9600 PRO Radeon simply freezes my comp. with
ati-drivers from so I need to press reset!(so I only can run
My sound (nvidia on board) works very shitty and I have no control on
it (level sound I mean).
I was running 2.4.23 vanilla + lvm1 so I moved to 2.6 vanilla+lvm2 and
now I can not move back

These are my biggest problems with 2.6.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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