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    SubjectRe: [patch] Re: Problem with exiting threads under NPTL

    On Sun, 14 Dec 2003, Ingo Molnar wrote:
    > the code is a bit ugly, but it's necessary - a parent can decide _after_
    > starting the child that it wants to detach it. (by setting SIGCHLD to
    > SIG_IGN. The testcase doesnt do this.) So the only place where we can
    > detect the detached-ness of a process is in do_notify_parent().

    Hmm.. What if "leader->exit_signal" was -1 already _before_ we call
    "do_notify_parent()"? In that case we'd never call "do_notify_parent()"
    for the leader at all, and we would also not release it outselves, the way
    you've done the test.

    Or is that case impossible to trigger? Looks a bit like that. But if it
    _is_ impossible to trigger (ie exit_signal cannot be -1 for a thread
    leader), then why does the current code test for "&& leader->exit_signal
    != -1)" at all?

    That code looks fragile as hell. I think you fixed a bug and it might be
    the absolutely proper fix, but I'd be happier about it if it was more
    obvious what the rules are and _why_ that is the only case that matters..

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