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SubjectRe: Working nforce2, was Re: Fixes for nforce2 hard lockup, apic, io-apic, udma133 covered
On Fri, Dec 12, 2003 at 01:18:27PM -0500, Josh McKinney wrote:
> The thing that strikes me funny is that you get no crashes with the
> updated BIOS and Disconnect on, but without the updated BIOS we have
> to turn disconnect off with athcool or the patch? This makes me think
> that there is some voodoo going on in the BIOS update that they aren't
> saying, surprise surprise,

Yes, it is weird. I've now asked shuttle for more information.

> or something is just slowing down the time
> it takes for it to crash. I say this because I have gone 5+ days
> without any of the patches from these threads, acpi apic lapic
> enabled, and CPU disconnect on as stated by athcool. This was with
> much stress testing, idle time, etc. One day I just ran a grep that I
> have done probably 30 times and boom, hang.

I hope this is not the case! The one/two grep test worked flawlessly, but now if it's delayed, then I can't do that anymore.

(but at least I have the bios option now! heh)

I suggest you reference the Shuttle AN35 12-05-2003 BIOS, and maybe Bob's MSI, when you talk to Asus. If they can do it, then Asus should be able as well.

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