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SubjectRe: preemption when running in the kernel
On Sun, 2003-11-09 at 05:04, Frank Cusack wrote:

> Thank you for the clarification.

No problem.

> That leads me to 2 followup questions.
> If a task in the kernel is preempted, is a membar issued? (I believe
> so -- running another task means that the scheduler must have run,
> which will grab and release various locks thus giving us the membars.)

Yes, a memory barrier is definitely issued.

> When the preempted task resumes, is it guaranteed to run on the same CPU?
> (I wouldn't expect so, unless the task was specifically told to do that
> via hard affinity. But maybe a task preempted in the kernel is different
> then a task preempted in userland.)

No. A preempted task can reschedule on any processor.

Robert Love

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