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SubjectRe: prepare_wait / finish_wait question
Andrew Morton wrote:

>Manfred Spraul <> wrote:
>>Hi Ingo,
>>sysv semaphores show the same problem you've fixed for wait queue with
>Was me, actually.
Ups, sorry.

>It would be neater to remove the task from the list _before_ waking it up.
>The current code in there is careful to only remove the task if the wakeup
>attempt was successful, but I have a feeling that this is unnecessary - the
>waiting task will do the right thing. One would need to think about that a
>bit more.
Doesn't work: the woken up thread could be woken up by chance through a
signal, and then the task structure could go out of scope while wake_up
is still running - oops. Seen on s390 with sysv msg.

>>I wrote a patch for sysv sem and on a 4x Pentium 3, 99.9% of the calls
>>hit the fast path, but I'm a bit afraid that monitor/mwait could be so
>>fast that the fast path is not chosen.
>Is it not the case that ia32's reschedule IPI is async? If the
>architecture's reschedule uses a synchronous IPI then it could indeed be
>the case that the woken CPU gets there first.
poll_idle polls the need_resched flag, and next generation pentium 4
cpus will poll the need_resched flag with the MONITOR/MWAIT
instructions. We cannot rely on the async IPI.

>>I'm thinking about a two-stage algorithm - what's your opinion?
>Instrumentation on other architectures would be interesting.
The patch already contains the instrumentation - it only needs testing.


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