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SubjectRe: [MOUSE] Alias for /dev/psaux
> XFree86 also sets the mouse to 200dpi

That's odd, I have a mouse which doesn't work correctly unless I
specifically add an Option "Resolution" "200" line to XF86Config.

Either the default isn't 200, or something else must be happening
differently when I set the resolution manually.

Without a resolution option at all, the mouse has to be moved at a
certain speed to register movement at all. This has nothing to do
with accelleration, (which I don't use). Moving the mouse slowly, for
any length of time, never produces any movement on-screen. Moving it
quickly does. With the resolution set to 200 or above, it works as
expected. Lower than 200, and it exhibits the strange behavior.

The same thing happens with gpm.

(This behavior is observable with 2.4. I haven't tested this mouse
with the in-kernel driver in 2.6 yet).

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