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SubjectRe: Some thoughts about stable kernel development
On Sun, 09 Nov 2003 19:50:00 GMT, John Bradford said:
> This does highlight a real issue - I am concerned by the number of
> posts on sites like saying things like, "Oh, I'm using 2.6 as
> my standard kernel now", when it is clear that a lot of those users
> simply do not understand the issues.

On the other hand, Linux is about freedom, even if it's the freedom
to shoot yourself in the foot.

I really don't see that we need to do much of anything to change our
development scheme. I think that James Bourne's -uv patch series
is all that's needed, and that the only thing we need to do is make
sure there's resources available to keep it going (find it a home
on the server, provide a link for it so people can
actually *find* it, and somehow provide for continuity in case James
gets hit by a bus or something equally unfortunate.

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