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SubjectRe: What exactly are the issues with 2.6.0-test10 preempt?
Hi, Bradley Chapman wrote:

> So what exactly is the problem?

I'm seeing
- User Interface corruption under X. That shows as random processes
crashing with SIGFPE (interestingly, often two unrelated X processes crash
at the same time -- sometimes one of them is the server) or SEGV,

I just switched to -test11 and turned off preemption. I don't see any more
crashes or weird behavior, but now performance sucks -- console scrolling
(frame buffer) stalls for seconds, keyboard repeat likewise, and the X
server suddenly decides it wants twice the CPU (60% instead of 30%).

I'll rebuild test11 with preempt and check whether there are any changes.
(Yes I know, changing two variables at the same time was somewhat stupid.)

Matthias Urlichs | {M:U} IT Design @ |
Disclaimer: The quote was selected randomly. Really. |
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