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SubjectRe: question about preempt_disable()
Hi, Chris Peterson wrote:

> My question is: if the code is already SMP-safe and holding the necessary
> spinlocks, why is the preempt count necessary? Why must preemption be
> disabled and re-enabled as spinlocks are acquired and released?

You need to prevent deadlocks. Imagine process A grabbing a spinlock, then
getting preempted. Process B now sits there and waits on the spinlock.
Forward progress may or may not happen when the scheduler preempts B and
restarts A, some indeterminate time later.

Scheduling when waiting for a spinlock doesn't make sense because usually
the spinlock is held for just a few cycles (that's why it's a spin lock
and not a semaphore / wait queue / whatever), and rescheduling would take
more time than just waiting.

Matthias Urlichs | {M:U} IT Design @ |
Disclaimer: The quote was selected randomly. Really. |
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