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SubjectRe: OT: why no file copy() libc/syscall ??

David Lang wrote:

>On Thu, 27 Nov 2003, Nick Piggin wrote:
>>Robert White wrote:
>>>(Among the other N objections, add things like the lack of any sort of
>>>control or option parameters)
>>>N += 1: Sparse Copying (e.g. seeking past blocks of zeros)
>>>N += 1: Unlink or overwrite or what?
>>>N += 1: In-Kernel locking and resolution for pages that are mandatory
>>>N += 1: No fine-grained control for concurrency issues (multiple writers)
>>>Start with doing a cp --help and move on from there for an unbounded list of
>>>issues that sys_copy(int fd1, int fd2) does not even come close to
>>To be fair, sys_copy is never intended to replace cp or try to be
>>very smart. I don't think it is semantically supposed to do much more
>>than replace a read, write loop (of course, the syscall also has an
>>offset and count).
>>sparse copying would be implementation dependant. If cp wanted to do
>>something special it would not use one big copy call. I think unlink
>>/ overwrite is irrelevant if its semantically a read write loop.
>actually if this syscall is allowed to do a COW at the filesystem level
>(which I think is one of the better reasons for implementing this) then
>sparse files would produce sparse copies.

Sure, I just mean the semantics should be equivalent to a read write
loop. Another example is zero copy copy for a remote fs that supports

>if the destination exists it would need to be unlinked (overwrite doesn't
>make sense in the COW context)

Well it would be implementation specific. Presumably it should keep
the semantics of an overwrite.

>I don't understand the in-kernel page locking issues refered to above
>the concurrancy issues are a good question, but I would suggest that the
>syscall fully setup the copy and then create the link to it. this would
>make the final creation an atomic operation (or as close to it as a
>particular filesystem allows) and if you have multiple writers doing a
>copy to the same destination then the last one wins, the earlier copies
>get unlinked and deleted

I don't think it should do any linking / unlinking it should just work
with file descriptors. Concurrent writes to a file don't have many
guarantees. sys_copy shouldn't have to be any stronger (read weaker).

>I definantly don't see it being worth it to make a syscall to just
>implement the read/write loop, but a copy syscall designed from the outset
>to do a COW copy that falls back to a read/write loop for filesystems that
>don't do COW has some real benifits

No I just mean the semantics.

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