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SubjectRe: /proc/[0-9]*/maps where did the (deleted) status go?
I'm going to fine tune this report a little bit.  The behavior change is 
more subtle than I at first thought.

In 2.4: file that has been deleted, and is mapped will show as deleted
in the maps file
In 2.6: file that has been deleted, and is mapped will show as deleted
in the maps file

In 2.4: file that has been moved, and is mapped will show as deleted in
the maps file
In 2.6: file that has been moved, and is mapped will show the new name
in the maps file

While I don't see this as a bug in the kernel it certainly is a
regression difference. ...and I'd still like a way of tracking when the
filename changes. If anyone has a good suggestion let me know.

As a side note... this is the output of a file that has actually been
deleted. It looks different from the 2.4 version (note the "\040" is
something new):

40018000-40019000 rw-s 00000000 03:04 13355559

Jeffrey E. Hundstad

Jeffrey E. Hundstad wrote:

> Hello,
> In the 2.4.x kernels the /proc/[process id]/maps file contains that
> processes current mappings. This is also true with 2.6.0-test9 but
> I've noticed a difference. It is a feature I'll miss. In the 2.4
> kernels when a file is mapped but no longer exists (because it has
> been removed) the mapping line would contain the text "(deleted)"
> after it.
> I've used this feature after I've updated libraries on my system. I
> ran a little scriptlet (see below). It'd tell me which processes were
> running with the old copy of the library. This way I restart those
> processes.
> Is this a feature that can be restored, or perhaps there's a better
> way to do it. Let me know?
> ---- scriptlet library-restart-app follows:
> #!/bin/bash
> for i in `find /proc/ -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -name "maps" | xargs
> grep -a deleted | grep -a -E -v /SYSV[0-9a-z]{8} |grep -a -v /dev/zero
> | cut -d ':' -f1 | cut -d '/' -f3 | sort | uniq | sed -e
> 's/\(.*\)/\/proc\/\1\/cmdline/'`;do echo -n "`echo $i| cut -d '/' -f3`
> ";cat $i|tr "\000" "\n" |head -1;done---- ---- scriptlet
> library-restart-app ends

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