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SubjectRe: Patrick's Test9 suspend code.
On Monday 17 November 2003 10:45, Patrick Mochel wrote:
> > Currently, patrick's code isn't working for me anymore either. I think
> > it's because I haven't figured out how I had ACPI set up last time
> > (performance covernor, probably. If I tell it to use the userspace
> > governor, there's still nothing in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0, the
> > directory is empty. Maybe the documentation isn't up to date anymore, I
> > don't know...) When I tried to suspend with it, it sort of worked but
> > the writing to disk phase (which never caused a problem before) had a
> > visible pause between each sector written, and writing out the 3000
> > sectors took over 5 minutes, and the end result wasn't something it could
> > resume from anyway. Sigh...
> Are you using preempt? There was a similar problem reported a while back
> that was solved by disabling it. Though it's not a true fix, it should at
> least get you going again.
> Thanks,
> Pat

Finally got it working again. Disabling preempt didn't seem to fix anything,
but I've left it off for now anyway. Module unload support also wasn't
selected, and that could have been causing problems too. (It certainly
confused cardbus and my shutdown scripts...)

The actual save part was slow because DMA was off (I had generic dma on, but
on a laptop with an ALI M5229 IDE controller you need to enable ALI M15x9
DMA. Right.) Writing out pages is AMAZINGLY slow in PIO mode, by the way.
5 minutes vs 5 seconds kind of slow...

It then saved happily but didn't resume because I hadn't told it the default
resume partition was /dev/hda2. (I don't have to specify which partition to
save to, why do I have to specify which one to resume from? Oh well...)

And lo, I hath once again resumed! (My copy of the suspend code still has a
large number of printk statements in it, but at the moment I consider that a
GOOD thing.)

On another note, here's a panic I managed to save when one of the suspend
attempts decided to go "boing", yet dumped me back to a console that sort of
worked for a bit until I tried to shutdown, where it hung shutting down
pcmcia. (Amazingly, it didn't seem to eat my filesystem when I sent dmesg to
a file. Go figure.)

I don't believe this has anything to do with the prink statements or config
tweaks I was doing, this is one of those intermittent panics I mentioned
earlier where it tries to save and bits wind up on the floor. This is from a
system that, right after it booted, I immediately logged in (text console 1)
and ran my suspend script, which got as far as "sync; echo -n disk >
/sys/power/state" and panicked trying to stop all the tasks. X had not run.

Let me know if there's something more recent I should try...

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