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SubjectRe: off the air
I'm likely to get a slap for this one, but....

On Tuesday 18 Nov 2003 6:42 pm, Larry McVoy wrote:
> I'm curious as to why you would think this is better than the CVS gateway.
> The CVS gateway is actually a really nice thing. The whiners think we
> have somehow hamstrung the data in the gateway but that's only because
> they haven't looked at the data, if they had done a careful comparison
> then they'd know it's all in there.

Since you've already done all the work for bk2cvs, why not add the
functionality to bkd which would allow a simple client to do

lobobk cvsclone
lobobk cvspull

Ie be able to clone and update a local cvs repo from bkd? This would have the
added advantage that users (kernel testers) could get any tagged versions
from their local repo using cvs, rather than requiring diff trasmission from
bkd to convert to another version. The client would be very simple too.

Obviously the local cvs repo would be read-only, and only useful for people to
fetch sources. Bitkeeper would be required for development work. It would
make the perfect mirroring tool aswell.

And when you've finished that, I'd like a moon rocket please. GPL, of
course ;)

Andrew Walrond

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