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SubjectRe: Debian Kernels was: 2.6.0test9 Reiserfs boot time "buffer layer error at fs/buffer.c:431"
On Sun, 16 Nov 2003 18:40:12 +0100, Stephan von Krawczynski said:

> There is quite a simple difference in -XX kernel and a distro-patch. People
> have to actively decide to use some patched kernel for whatever their reason
> may be. A distro on the other hand floods the average user with patched
> versions _without_ the users' active decision.

Take it the other direction - people *also* actively choose a distro based
on some reason (to be honest, a major reason I ended up in RedHat/Fedora
rather than some other Linux distro or even a *bsd was because at the time
I needed a *nix with an X server that supported the i810 chipset, they were
the only ones shipping one pre-built).

On the flip side, I freely admit that the vast majority of things Andrew
puts in his kernel basically get flooded to me, because installing the
entire -mm patch is a lot easier than installing half of it....
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