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SubjectRe: 2.4.23-pre9 ide+XFree+ptrace=Complete hang
> As I've said it doesn't respond to pings.  As far as I can tell the 
> processor might as well be doing a cli hlt. As for X - I've had X crash
> (many) times and never in an unrestorable way - usually you can login from
> the network or hit my hotkey Fn+\ for bios vm86 int 10 screen reset...

Well, I've just had the machine crash another two times, the first time I
thought it might have been a different bug, but looking back it was the
same issue. This time the lockup happened during an ssh session in an
xterm under X - ie. no disk access, no strace/ptrace. Again it happened
during screen update (half a character line on screen, the other half
still containing the old chars) - obviously this is an Xserver
Cyber9525DVD issue. It would seem though that strace and ide access
greatly increase the probability of a hang happening. I'm wondering if
there is any way to get the Xserver running without iopl(3) but using
ioperm instead - I know that the io bitmap is only 0x400 ports, could this
possibly be changed to encompass all 0x10000 ports and then redirect
iopl(n) to ioperm(0,0x10000,n==3), plus patch sigsegv handler to ignore
cli/sti, thus forcing interrupts to always remain enabled. Cause that's
where the problem seems to live. This would probably allow at least a
trace via serial console, etc...

Any ideas on how to trace this down (no nmi watchdog available)?


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