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SubjectRe: off the air
On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 08:27:13AM -0800, Larry McVoy wrote:
> I'm starting to (finally) learn that there are a small number of people
> who complain loudly (not you Andrew, I just happened to hit reply to your
> mail) but they in no way represent the majority of the people doing work.
> As far as I can tell, most people are using BK and if there wasn't any
> whining they'd be content with that and what they'd really like is for
> BK itself to improve (*). Linus doesn't get any benefit from one more
> ...

Larry: You tried to get it working, and keep it working. To me, this is
more than enough effort. The whiners (yes, whiners - every participant has
the opportunity of *doing* something - choosing to complain and demand
that others *do* something is whining in my books) are an unfortunate fact
of life.


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