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SubjectRe: Some thoughts about stable kernel development
Krzysztof Halasa wrote:

> Stefan Smietanowski <> writes:
>>The amount of mail coming to the list with FAQ like that shows that
>>no, people aren't. Many are, some aren't. Some of those end up asking
>>things that have been asked a thousand times.
> I've never considered asking a question, even a FAQ, bad. If many people
> ask the same question - what does it mean? For me, it just means the
> question is an important one and that the problem is not yet solved.

Asking a question is not bad, but if we can avoid making a situation
that will generate questions I would say that's a worthwhile goal.

x.y.z - if y is odd it's development, if y is even it's stable.
z+1 is always newer than z and hence z+1 should contain a bugfix that
z might not. Also pretty simple. x.y.z+1 pre/rc q does not contain
something that x.y.z pre/rc r has is NOT easy. We both know that
me and you will have no problem whatsoever with this scheme. So it's
not about me and you. I just think it will confuse some people that's

// Stefan

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