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SubjectRe: Via KT600 support?
Joe Harrington wrote:

>Yes, thanks, I did that before I posted. The problem exists with both
>the original BIOS (1004) and the latest (1005).
>Is anyone aware of similar problems with other manufacturers' KT600
>boards that were fixed in recent BIOS updates? Perhaps Asus has a
>BIOS bug they haven't fixed yet.
>By the way, I also underclocked both the CPU and the memory as far
>down as they would go, just to check, and the problem persisted.
I have an A7V600 too, with a Athlon 2100+. I found that the 2.4 kernel
support (2.4.20 ... 22) was not up to it also, and switched to try the
2.6.0-t9 kernel; this has, so far, proved fairly stable, with the
exception of a might_sleep problem on the plug-in PCI IEEE1394 card I have.

I noticed that, with 2.4, the kernel was treating the KT600 chipset as a
KT400 chipset: I don't know if this has changed in later editions of
2.4, but it seemed to be an undesireable thing to do, which partly
prompted my shift to 2.6

I too tried updating the BIOS to 1005; it does seem to fix a power-up
problem (originally the BIOS would sometimes claim that a hardware fault
had happened which hadn't hapened) but there still seem to be issues
with the SATA ports: drives on them are never listed in the BIOS boot
sequence, and unless I do a cold-boot (i.e. cable-unplugged, not just
'off') the SATA drives aren't visible at all to the BIOS or to Linux.

One of these days I'll get around to filing a bug report about the SATA
stuff with ASUS. Should it make a difference, the drives I@m using are
Seagate 7200.7 120GB/8MB.



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